Blog Archive

Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Cutest Kids- Frappuccino and Zebra Mocha

Here are a few pictures of my newest animals, born on February 19th; Frappuccino and Zebra Mocha.

Zebra Mocha


Please comment and tell me which one you like best; my favorite is Frappuccino ;)



Nanci Breagy said...

I can't choose!! They are both adorable.

Nanci Breagy said...

I can't choose. They are both adorable!!

Nanci Breagy said...

I can't choose!! They are both adorable.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yah. I agree. Zebra Mocha is adorable but Frappe is my favorite. Cymbol's upcoming kids should be that color, especially since both her and Tex are!


Rye said...

zebra mocha ;)
